Navigating the New School Year: Reducing Stress and Enhancing Executive Functioning

I'll never forget those nights leading up to a new school year, especially the eve before it all begins. Tossing and turning in my bed, sleep seemed elusive as I wondered if I had packed everything I needed. Thoughts of missing supplies loomed large, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Questions swirled in my head: which classroom would I be in, where was it in the school building, which entrance was the right one, who would be in my class? And perhaps more anxiety-inducing, who wouldn't be? It felt like a never-ending cycle of thoughts, each one making my heart race faster. As the sun started to sneak its way through my window, I realized I'd spent the entire night turning myself into a ball of nerves. And now, well, now it was time to put on a brave face and step into a new beginning.  I would like to tell you that these types of nights are over for me, but they still happen to me as an adult, just in different settings or when there is a shift in my schedule.  

The beginning of a new school year often means facing an array of changes. New teachers, new schedules, possibly a new school layout—it's a lot for anyone to take in. But for students with executive functioning difficulties, these changes can be particularly daunting. They rely heavily on routines and predictability to manage their day-to-day activities, and the disruption caused by the start of the school year can throw them off balance.  In this blog post, we'll explore the unique challenges that the new school year can bring, particularly for students with EF dysfunctions, and discuss effective strategies for reducing anxiety and enhancing executive functioning.


Understanding Executive Functioning

Before we dive into strategies for coping with this stress, let's briefly touch on executive functioning. EF encompasses a set of mental skills that help us manage our time, pay attention, switch focus, plan and organize, remember details, and juggle multiple tasks. For students with EF dysfunctions, even seemingly simple tasks can become overwhelming.

Planning as a Stress Reducer

One effective way to reduce stress during the back-to-school transition is through planning. Planning helps students anticipate what they need and how to navigate the changes smoothly. However, planning doesn't always mean creating elaborate spreadsheets or complex schedules. It can be as simple as visiting the school to get a sense of the layout or organizing materials for easy access.  Allowing yourself time to make these simple plans brings understanding to situations and reduces stress. There are many ways we can plan for our day.  We are going to look at two specific strategies in this blog post. 


The Class Planner and Locker Stop Checklist


The Class Planner- Increase Your Productivity and Planning!

For students looking to enhance their executive functioning and reduce the stress associated with the new school year, tools like the Class Planner can be invaluable. This user-friendly planner is designed to streamline the planning process, making it quick and efficient. By taking just 5-10 minutes to jot down what's needed for each class, students can significantly reduce the cognitive load on their working memory as well as boost their goal setting and planning abilities!

Click here to download your FREE Class Planner!


The Locker Stop Checklist- Enhance Your Efficiency!

Another tool that can be beneficial is the Locker Stop Checklist. For students who struggle with remembering what to bring from their lockers for each class, this planner offers a systematic approach. By planning out all their trips to the locker, students can maximize their time between classes, minimize the need to remember what's needed, and reduce the anxiety of potentially forgetting something important.

Using this planner will also help to enhance executive functioning skills and is designed to ease the burden on one’s working memory. By efficiently planning what is needed for each stop, it will not only minimize worry but also supercharge one’s ability to stay organized, focused, and on top of their game. After all, those precious minutes between classes are a prime time for personal growth and success.

Click here to download your FREE Locker Stop Planner!


As we step into the exciting but often anxiety-inducing realm of a new school year, let's not underestimate the challenges it can pose, particularly for students grappling with executive functioning difficulties. The good news is that planning, in all its forms, emerges as a reliable ally in this journey. From that reassuring visit to the school grounds to meticulous material organization, we have an arsenal of strategies at our disposal. And let's not forget the Class Planner and Locker Stop Checklist, designed to make the transition smoother. So, as you gear up for the upcoming academic adventure, remember that proactive planning isn't just a task; it's a skill that empowers you to navigate this year with confidence. Embrace these tools, reduce stress, and equip yourself for the successful year that lies ahead! 

Good luck and you got this!  Empowering yourself to promote growth and success is possible! 

Empower ~ Grow ~ Succeed

Dr. Stephanie Phekoo